Friday, March 22, 2024

Adena Burial Mound Photographed in Dekalb County, Indiana


Adena Burial Mound Photographed in Dekalb County, Indiana

The Platter mound has been further reduced in the last one hundred years by digging. The “rude earthwork,” described above was not found. It is located on a high bluff of the St. Joseph River, but is far enough back that it probably is or was not visible from the river. 

History of  Dekalb County, Indiana, 1885
The Indian mound is on an elevation of ground on Sec. &, on the Adson farm. It’s about ten rods from the “Little St. Joe” and on the south bank of a small creek that empties into the St. Joe at this point. It was opened in the fall of 1837 by Silas A. Bartlett, Daniel Strong Jr., John Platter and Frasier Bartlett. They found a large quantity of human bones about three feet from the surface. The elevation was then ten feet but is now only four. It is evident that this was a sepulcher of the mound builders, and the rude earthworks indicate that here was also at some time a fortification.

                                 85 Burial Mound and Earthwork Sites in Indiana