Sunday, March 17, 2024

Hopewell Sioux Giants Discovered in Williams County, Ohio


Hopewell Sioux Giants Discovered in Williams County, Ohio

A Hopewell Sioux Mound Pod was Photographed on the North Shore of Nettles Lake in Williams County, Ohio.  More on the Nettles Lake Hopewell Sioux burial mounds. : Northern Ohio's Hopewell Burial Mounds at Nettles Lake in Williams County, Ohio Nettle Lake Burial Mound Group

History of the County of Williams, Ohio, 1905

   On fractioned section 12, about 2 miles north of Montpelier, two large mounds which were six on seven feet in height and fifty or sixty feet in diameter… taking there from two skeletons, one very large and the other of ordinary size.