Friday, January 12, 2024

Amorite Giant's Mathematics and the Isosceles Triangle Formed at Newark, Ohio Earthworks.

 Amorite Giant's Mathematics and the Isosceles Triangle Formed at Newark, Ohio Earthworks.

From the center of the Octagon to the center of Henge and then to the burial mounds located on Geller Hill an isosceles triangle is formed. More mathematics at the Newark : Advanced Mathematics and the Ancient Earthworks in the Ohio Valley 

    The number 3 was an important number to the Ohio Amorites and was expressed geometrically as an isosceles triangle. This knowledge was brought to Ohio from Babylonian during the Amorite occupation. They had formulated the mathematical rules of generating Pythagorean triangles and understood the relationship between the sides of a right triangle,  12 + 12 = ()2.]