Ancient Adena (Celtic) Sun Temple Discovered in Chillicothe, Ohio
Adena mound builders sun temple is clearly visible on this aerial photo located outside of Chillicothe, Ohio Many other earthworks were in Chillicothe, Ohio This is one of them : Hopeton Sacred Via was for the Procession of the Dead to Mound City
Henges, are circular earthworks with an outer wall and interior ditch and a gateway that is aligned to a solar event. Henges were adopted by the Beaker People, who also constructed Stonehenge.
The archaeologist has called the Chillicothe burial mounds and earthwork Hopewell, but with this new find it shows that the capital city had a combination of both Adena and Hopewell elements and that it are the result of these two peoples merging into one society that is called the Adena-Hopewell.
Map of the Earthworks around Chillicothe, Ohio is originally drawn by Squire and Davis in Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley 1846. No description of the North Fork henge was given by Squire and Davis, nor has it shown up in any archaeological reports.
This photograph from Google Earth clearly shows that the outer embankment of both earthworks is still visible in this plowed field. Why is this not being saved from the obliteration of the plow?